How Do You Discharge Child Support?

How Do You Discharge Child Support?

How Do You Discharge Child Support?

In this article, we're going to delve into the details and explain the process thoroughly. According to 31 USC 3123, the United States government is pledged to pay principal and interest on its obligations. If the government is responsible for paying bills, why are you using your money? This misunderstanding stems from not knowing that your bills are actually securities and bonds.

Most people are unaware of invisible instruments, promissory notes, or even Treasury direct accounts. In 1933, the government took our gold and gave us federal reserve notes with no intrinsic value. House joint resolution 192 explicitly states that no one has been able to lawfully pay debts or own anything since then. Now, let's explore where the money or credit for these payments actually comes from. It originates from the Cestui Que Vie Trust established at your birth.

This trust, known as the Cestui Que Vie Trust , or sometimes referred to as a master trust or social security trust, is where your social security number comes into play. The Social Security card acts as a bond within this trust. Essentially, the government assumes you will be involved in various financial activities and opens bonds in your name each time you do so. Every time you see your name in all capital letters, that is actually your corporation. This trust is created because as a US citizen, the government anticipates you will pay a considerable amount in taxes throughout your life.

When you were born, the government opened a trust in your name, knowing that you would likely engage in various financial activities such as opening bank accounts, starting LLCs, obtaining college loans, or securing mortgages. Let's explore the legal framework that can assist you in discharging child support. The Uniform Commercial Code, UCC 3-603, outlines specific obligations regarding the negotiation of instruments. If a child support agency fails to comply with these obligations by not properly negotiating or handling the instruments related to your payments, they are in violation. This includes failing to follow the required procedures for accepting, processing, and crediting payments made by or on your behalf.

When an agency fails to adhere to UCC 3-603, it results in improper handling of financial instruments, causing misallocation or misapplication of payments. This violation of the standards set forth in the uniform commercial code for the negotiation and management of financial instruments constitutes securities fraud. The mishandling of payments and failure to negotiate the instruments correctly can lead to false and misleading representations about the status and application of your payments. The child support discharge package provides a negotiable instrument that the agency is obligated to use. If they refuse, they commit securities fraud, giving you additional grounds to file a federal complaint for damages.

UCC 3-603 specifies that if tender of payment of an obligation to pay an instrument is made to a person entitled to enforce the instrument, and the tender is agent, terms, once you present the negotiable instrument to the child support agency, they are required to accept it. If they refuse, your obligation is discharged and you have a legal basis to claim they violated UCC 3-603. This method holds child support agencies accountable and ensures they adhere to legal standards. In summary, by utilizing our child support discharge package, you provide a valid negotiable instrument that the agency must process. If they fail to do so, they commit securities fraud and you gain grounds to file a federal complaint for damages, which is also provided in the package.

Here are some additional circumstances that may have violated your rights and can be used in your complaint. If you were imprisoned for not paying child support, that is against the law and constitutes a significant count in seeking damages. Such imprisonment violates fundamental rights and due process. Additionally, if you did not consent to the enrollment in the child support program, this constitutes identity theft and is another count in your lawsuit. If you were under financial hardship and had funds seized from your bank, that seizure is unlawful and is also grounds for seeking damages.

Furthermore, if your license was suspended due to unpaid child support, this action is against the law, undermines fundamental fairness, and is yet another count in your lawsuit. The Child Support Discharge Package provides a comprehensive complaint with multiple base counts that may align with your case, empowering you to challenge these unlawful actions and seek the justice you deserve. We hope this information helps you navigate the complexities of the child support discharging landscape. Stay informed, protect your rights, and ensure fair treatment by using the tools and knowledge we've provided. Visit for more information about the Child Support Discharge Package.

We understand the complexities and challenges you face, and we are here for you on your journey. Together, we can restore your rights and achieve the fairness you deserve. Thank you for trusting us to be a part of your fight for justice.