#2 Maritime Law of Commerce - The Law of The Water - Top Ten Reasons Why Child Support Should Be Abolished

#2 Maritime Law of Commerce - The Law of The Water - Top Ten Reasons Why Child Support Should Be Abolished

Top Ten Reasons Why Child Support Should Be Abolished

#2 Maritime Law of Commerce - The Law of The Water 

Operating within the framework of maritime law of commerce, the court system often prioritizes financial transactions and commercial interests over the fundamental well-being of families and individuals. This focus on monetary considerations frequently leads to protracted legal battles and outcomes that may not necessarily align with the best interests of those involved. Moreover, these courts, which are essentially functioning businesses, have a vested interest in perpetuating legal disputes and prolonging litigation as it generates revenue and sustains their operations.

Under the guise of administering justice, the court system, driven by the principles of maritime law of commerce, has become increasingly incentivized to undermine and dismantle family structures across the country. By perpetuating legal disputes and conflicts within families, these courts effectively contribute to the erosion of the familial fabric that serves as the cornerstone of society. This erosion of family units not only undermines the stability and cohesion of communities, but also poses a legitimate threat to national security and societal well-being. One of the most insidious aspects of the court system operating under maritime law of commerce is its propensity for coercion and manipulation. Through the use of legalistic language and intricate legal procedures, individuals are often coerced into unwittingly falling under the jurisdiction of maritime law without fully understanding the implications of their actions.

This manipulation, coupled with the financial incentives inherent in the system, creates a breeding ground for injustice and exploitation, wherein individuals are left vulnerable to the whims and agendas of the courts. Moreover, the allegiance of these courts and their officials to foreign entities and commercial interests further compounds the threat posed by the maritime law of commerce. By prioritizing profit over justice and aligning themselves with external forces, these courts undermine the sovereignty and integrity of the nation, eroding the very foundations upon which the legal system is built. This betrayal of trust and subversion of national interests represent a grave danger to the fabric of society. As the courts, instead of upholding the rule of law, become instruments of oppression and exploitation.

When you enter over the bar, you're stepping into a foreign corporate meeting, operating under Admiralty law, not constitutional law. So, when you go to declare your constitutional rights, oftentimes the judge will ignore them. We know that the word legal is actually translated as undoing God's law. So when we step into a courtroom, remember it's just that, a courtroom. It's not an actual court.

Here in America, we are a republic. We have courts, not courtrooms. Everything they do mirrors God's law. But they get us to believe it's the law, when actually it's not. It's a corporate private meeting.

Now, due to the fact that admiralty law jurisdiction bases its entire existence on assumption, presumption, tacit admission, and hearsay, it's imperative that we define the meanings of the words we use, and that each word has only one meaning. It's your court. And don't let them intimidate you. Here are some great examples of things that you're not. You are not a vessel.

A vessel is a shipping container and that's not us. You are not an entity. An entity is a dead thing or a dead being. You are not a corporation, which would be a dead entity. You are not a person.

Defined in their rule book, a person means corporation. You are not a thing, an object, or a commodity. You are a living, breathing being. A flesh and blood man or woman created by God, not a corporate fiction. You are not chattel property.

We're not cattle. We're not slaves. They want to assume us to be slaves, but they've done it all through their trickery. You are a living soul made in the image and likeness of God. In conclusion, as we navigate the labyrinthine corridors of the legal system, it's crucial to remember our inherent sovereignty and divine heritage.

We must vigilantly guard against the encroachments of admiralty law, which seeks to subjugate us through presumption and hearsay. By reclaiming the power of language and defining our terms, we assert our autonomy in the face of a system designed to ensnare and control. As we stand firm in our identity as living souls, made in the image and likeness of God, we transcend the limitations of corporate fiction and embrace our true essence. Let us not be intimidated by the trappings of authority, but rather emboldened by the knowledge of our inherent worth and dignity. For in the end, it is our unwavering faith in divine justice and our commitment to truth that will ultimately prevail.

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