#3 Forced Labor - Modern Day Slavery - Top Ten Reasons Why Child Support Should Be Abolished

#3 Forced Labor - Modern Day Slavery - Top Ten Reasons Why Child Support Should Be Abolished

Top Ten Reasons Why Child Support Should Be Abolished

#3 Forced Labor - Modern Day Slavery

In the most egregious instances, the burdensome obligations of child support can bear a striking resemblance to modern day slavery. Entrapping individuals in a cycle of financial servitude and coercion.

The term slavery evokes images of forced labor and subjugation. And while the parallels may not be identical, the oppressive nature of certain child support arrangements cannot be overlooked. Within the context of child support, individuals, predominantly men, often find themselves ensnared in a web of financial demands that feel insurmountable and inescapable. These obligations imposed by administrative courts operating under maritime law are frequently characterized by exorbitant payment schedules that leave obligers struggling to make ends meet. In many cases, the bulk of these payments is absorbed by administrative fees and interest, leaving little relief for the individuals burdened by them.

One of the most alarming aspects is where the money actually goes. Instead of directly benefiting the children as intended, a significant portion, 60%, is funneled into administrative fees and court costs. This revelation paints a stark picture of a system that prioritizes profit over the welfare of children and families. In fact, family law alone generates an estimated $30,000,000,000 annually for the courts, making it one of their most lucrative ventures. The comparison to slavery is not made lightly.

Just as slaves were compelled to toil under the yoke of their masters, individuals subject to oppressive child support arrangements often feel similarly bound to their financial obligations with little recourse for escape. The creation of these debts often appears arbitrary with obligations imposed without regard for individual's financial circumstances or ability to pay. The use of coercive tactics such as wage garnishment and asset seizure further reinforces the perception of child support as a form of economic bondage, depriving obligers of their autonomy and financial freedom. For many, the threat of imprisonment looms large, creating a constant state of anxiety and fear. Once incarcerated, these individuals are subjected to the dehumanizing experience of being stripped of their freedom and autonomy.

Behind bars, they are isolated from their families and communities. Meanwhile, their children are left without the emotional and financial support they desperately need. The term deadbeat fails to capture the nuanced realities of individuals struggling to navigate a system that often feels stacked against them. Many are grappling with economic hardship, unemployment, or other extenuating circumstances that make meeting their financial obligations impossible. Rather than casting judgment, society should seek to understand and address the root causes of non payment, including economic inequality, job instability and systemic barriers to financial stability.

Fundamentally, the notion of being compelled to work to satisfy the demands of another is antithetical to the principles of freedom and self determination upon which our society is built. It is a violation of our God given rights to live our lives according to our own wishes, free from undue coercion or interference. The fact that these obligations are often imposed unilaterally without due process or consideration of individual circumstances only serves to underscore the injustice inherent in the child support system. Indeed, the plight of well over 5,000,000 men trapped in the forced labor program known as child support is a stark reminder of the injustices perpetuated by the current system. By abolishing the oppressive child support system, we not only dismantle the shackles of oppression, but also pave the way for a brighter, more equitable future.

As we champion the well-being of families and children, we uphold the very essence of humanity and compassion, forging a society where every individual has the opportunity to thrive. Together, let us forge a path towards prosperity and a legacy of freedom that transcends generations to come. Are you on child support? Want to get off? Ready to take back control of your finances and your future?

Our Child Support Discharge Package offers a proven solution to break free from the burdens of child support once and for all. With our step by step instructions and expert guidance, you'll learn how to legally discharge your child support and regain your financial independence. Don't let child support hold you back any longer. Join many satisfied customers who have successfully liberated themselves from this financial burden. Take the first step towards a brighter tomorrow and reclaim your freedom today with our cChild Support Discharge Package.