#10 Child Support Is Unconstitutional - The Top Ten Reasons Why Child Support Should Be Abolished

#10 Child Support Is Unconstitutional - The Top Ten Reasons Why Child Support Should Be Abolished

Top Ten Reasons Why Child Support Should Be Abolished

#10 Child Support Is Unconstitutional

The principle of the separation of powers is a fundamental concept in the United States government designed to prevent the concentration of power in any one branch. As outlined in the constitution, there are 3 branches of government, the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. Each branch is vested with distinct powers and powers and responsibilities to ensure a system of checks and balances.

However, the issue arises when one branch oversteps its boundaries and encroaches upon the powers of another. This is precisely the concern raised regarding the child support system, particularly in cases like Holmberg versus Holmberg, where it was found guilty of violating the separation of powers. Let's dissect how each branch of government is implicated and how it relates to the unconstitutional nature of certain aspects of the child support system. Legislative branch. The legislative branch is responsible for making laws.

However, child support agencies often create their own family codes and regulations, essentially engaging in legislative activity without proper authorization. This circumvention of the legislative process undermines the democratic principles upon which our government is founded. Executive branch. The executive branch is tasked with enforcing laws. While child support agencies fall under this branch, they often wield significant power in issuing and modifying support orders.

This blurs the lines between legislative and executive functions, granting excessive authority to administrative bodies without proper oversight. Judicial branch. The judicial branch interprets laws and ensures that justice is administered fairly, yet child support agencies frequently hold their own administrative hearings, effectively assuming a judicial role. This usurpation of judicial authority compromises the integrity of the legal system and violates the principles of due process. In essence, the child support systems practices violate the separation of powers doctrine by allowing administrative agencies to legislate, execute, and adjudicate matters related to child support without proper constitutional authority.

With our child support discharge package, you'll have everything you need to take control of your financial future. Don't let child support hold you back any longer. Visit csdischarge.com today to learn more and start your journey to financial freedom.